Jero's residency at Arts Ceduna
An artist residency with Petrus Jero Amuthenu from Namibia and Yalata artist Warren Paul was hosted at Ceduna from 24 – 29 April 2017. This meaningful experience saw two Indigenous artists from two continents sharing their masterly skills in a studio environment. The activity and sharing was so contagious that seven artists worked side-by-side at Arts Ceduna for the duration of the residency, including Sherrie Jones, Collette Gray, Beaver Lennon, Jenny Gray and Pam Diment.
Art is a strong medium for facilitating connections between people and their cultures. The level of cross-cultural sharing was deep and meaningful to all participants. This project saw friendships taking shape, while the Arts Ceduna community appreciated the high level of skill the visiting artist, Petrus Amuthenu, demonstrated and shared freely and genuinely. It was the first time an indigenous African artist visited Arts Ceduna as an international residence artist and this experience, to culturally and skills wise share with other Indigenous people, was appreciated by the Arts Ceduna community.
The artist residency model works very well for the Arts Ceduna community and should be continued, perhaps to include the partner communities of Arts Ceduna such as Koonibba, Yalata and Oak Valley. The isolation many Far West SA artists experience can be alleviated through projects like these (artist residencies).
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