Hilda Peel

Hilda Peel was born in Cummins in 1970, Hilda is from the Mirning Language group, and she is currently living in Koonibba South Australia. Hilda does silk screening, she used to live in Ernabella and learned textiles, Pottery and acrylic on canvas some techniques she uses to paint are sponges, brushes, skewers for dot paintings. She likes to use a lot of colours in her paintings. Hilda enjoys painting sea themes where she is self-taught. For 5 years in Ernabella she was taught how to make artefacts and burning patterns into the wood from the elders. Hilda started from growing up living, learning from her Parents and what they taught her in life knowledge the best way to cut from the roots of the tree to make artefacts, so the tree will still be sustainable (living). Also teaching us on country trips about hunting, gathering, my favourite was eating witchetty Grubs growing up.



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